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1. FloristOne
2. Flower Delivery and Flower Delivery Express
3. Flowers Fast
4. 1-800-FLORALS
5. Just Flowers

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Funeral Flowers Ideas for a Woman

How to Honor a Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter or Friend

Sending funeral flowers is a part of many cultures and traditions and is a way of conveying various messages to the family of a deceased and honoring the departed.  Putting stress on the difference between funeral flower arrangements for a specific gender is also part of tradition—it is a way of reflecting how the character of the person who died has touched the hearts and lives of other people.  This explains why funeral flower arrangements for men call for more simplicity, neutrality and masculinity, while those for women entail beautiful blossoms and combinations of soft and vibrant colors.  The latter, made simpler by the thought that women are traditionally, naturally and commonly flower-lovers and receivers, is believed to be a more trouble free and less complicated task.

If you are wondering what type of funeral flower arrangements for a woman are most suitable, then you are on your way to a very simple answer.  Due to the naturally colorful and delightful scenery that flowers bring, any type of funeral flowers arrangement can be sent to a woman’s funeral.  Pink and lavender are the most common colors being attributed to womanhood and femininity, and they are best used in almost all types of funeral flowers arrangements.  They reflect the soft yet beautiful nature of women.   Purple is the color that closely resembles the color of the uterus (a symbol of womanhood) and thus is perfectly suitable for a woman’s funeral.  If opting to add more color, blue, white and a touch of light green can go with the previously mentioned three.  In general, funeral flower arrangements for a woman are given a motif depending on the message, favorite color or character of the deceased.

Different flowers make up a wide array of arrangements that can be sent to a woman’s funeral.  Aside from the usual roses, chrysanthemums and carnations, lilies, calla lilies, and iris are great choices to make up a wonderful funeral flower arrangement.  White usually symbolizes purity, honesty and truth.  Red shows love, passion and intense feelings.  Other seasonal flowers are also incorporated in arrangements for women’s funerals, but they greatly vary in cost depending on their availability.

Compared to those designed for men, funeral flower arrangements for women are more diverse.  There are actually more options when it comes to their shapes such as heart, pillow, round or stylishly shaped types.  When choosing which one of these to send, always respect the beliefs and customs of the immediate family.  Others want more simplicity, while others welcome flamboyance in terms of funeral flowers being displayed at their loved one’s funeral.  It is also important to know where you stand before sending or ordering a flower arrangement for a deceased woman, since each particular type of flower arrangement has a parallel tradition on who is more appropriate for sending and ordering them.

The cost and budget for such a purpose is also a concern when ordering a funeral flower arrangement for a woman.  But since there are lots of choices and funeral flowers ideas, this is really not much of a concern.

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